Brigham Young High School
Class of 1969
50th Year Golden Anniversary Reunion July 6, 2019
From: Richard Reimschussel Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 Subject: Memories: Pictures from Our 50th Reunion and one last Thank You.
Dear BY High Family,
Well we planned, we came, we ate, we enjoyed each other's company, and we all loved it. My only regret is we forgot to take a Class picture. I did not see anyone else take any pictures. If you did, I would love a copy of every single one.
We only wish that everybody could have been there. At the same time we understand that for various reasons everybody couldn't.
Just for everyone's information, and to my surprise, the class voted to have another Reunion in just two short years! So, in about 18 months you will be hearing about when. I think we already know where. Hopefully we can all live long enough to be able to see each other one more time.
I want to once again thank everyone who helped pull it off. One more thank you especially to Mike, Jill, and Evelyn, and any others that contributed. It was because of your efforts it was such a great success! Thank you to those whom traveled great distances to share our company. Laraine Grow Hakes from Delaware, Lynette Anderson Lewis from Washington state, Dave Porter from Hawaii, Mark Ashworth and Sylvia from California and others whom drove considerable distances to participate.
Mike's home was a perfect location -- Had I known how perfect early on I could have saved a lot of time and worry trying to find a location.
I have never done this before, but here is a link to a Google Drive shared folder in which I have placed my photographs. My hope is that it works, and will give those who care an idea of what took place.
I need to say I know they are pretty bad. I forgot to turn on my flash, and the bright LED lights Brownie had on the rails confused the camera and made some of the pictures poor, but they are all I have. So I here they are:
Best wishes to you all, and I hope to see you again in a couple of years!
Rich R.
June 8, 2019
Dear Classmates:
As you know our 50th year Class reunion is less than a month away! I have had several inquiries regarding details of what, where, and when of the event. I apologize for not keeping you more informed.
When: Saturday, July 6, 2019 beginning at 6 p.m.
Where: Highland Utah in Mike Brown's backyard.
Mike's address is 10466 N. 4800 West, Highland Utah 84003 (4800 West is also known as North County Boulevard and also turns into 900 East in American Fork).
There are a number of ways to get to Mike's house. The easiest way is to just put his address into your phone and follow your GPS directions.
If that doesn't work for you an easy way (not the shortest) is from North or South on I-15 go towards Thanksgiving Point and take the UT-92 exit East towards American Fork Canyon or Timpanogos Cave. Follow that road East to 4800 West and turn right (South) Mike tells me his house is about .7 tenths of a mile South on that road. His house is a corner lot on the East side of the road. (If you get to Killarney Drive you will have gone too far by a block.)
If you can't find his house, Mike's phone number is: 801-372-9733 -- we'll help you get there.
Another way to get to Mike's house from the South is to go to the Mount Timpanogos Temple in American Fork. The road on that East side of the Temple is 900 E in A.F. Follow this road North. When you go into Highland the road becomes 4800 West in Highland. Follow the road to 10466 N. It will be on the right side East side of the road.
(Clear as mud?)
Cost: $25 per person / $50 per couple, to be paid in advance to me. My address is 721 East 600 North, Orem, UT 84097
Current Status: We currently have 32 saying they are coming (including spouses) and 5 maybes, (and maybe some surprise drop ins). If you have not replied it is not too late! We want every one who can make it to be there. Just reply to this email and send me the your money.
If money is an issue, come anyway, but let us know so we can plan for you! We are sorry that a few of you have other things going on and can't make it.
Our thinking was that if we were to have it on the 6th, the day after the Provo High School reunion, then those who must travel long distances could get a "two fer" on travel expenses.
Food: Jill and Mike are handling the food. Mike is cooking Salmon and Prime Rib. Jill is getting the sides delivered from Kneaders. We are planning on canned drinks and water served out of coolers.
By the sounds of things this is going to be a pretty casual affair, background music, possibly a slideshow, memorabilia, and a lot of socializing, etc. I think it will be like a family backyard picnic with impromptu entertainment at Mike's house. You just can't put Brown, Jacobs, and Larry Simonsen in the same area without something happening!
If you have any memories you would like to share or items to display please bring them.
One last thing, since my last email to you all, I noticed on a PHS list that our Kenneth Johnson whom I had down as "missing" actually passed away in 2010, This brings those who have passed on to 14 of 66.
If you have further questions don't hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards,
Rich R.
Cell: 801-372-1045
40th Year Reunion July 3, 2009
1. David Andrews; 2. Mark Ashworth; 3. Kathleen Bateman Peterson; 4. Nancy Cannon Jensen; 5. Chris Darais; 6. Sylvia Spears; 7. Rick Beckham; 8. John Edmunds; 9. Robert Earl; 10. Jim Beagles; 11. Richard Reimschussel; 12. Ronald Robison; 13. Barbara Babb Johnson; 14. Steve Soffe; 15. Michael Eastman; 16. David Cunningham; 17. Lynette Andersen Lewis; 18. Ivan Hullinger; 19. Michael Patton; 20. Evelyn McAffee Rushton; 21. Kathy Swenson Graf; 22. Kris Apostol Cunningham; 23. Lesley Strong McLaughlin; 24. Michael Brown; 25. Jeffrey Keith; and 26. Dave Jacobs. Hover cursor over the photograph for identifications.
May 14, 2009
Dear Classmates of the B.Y. High "Ghost Class of '69",
Please find attached an invitation to our 40th anniversary class reunion which is being held on July 3rd, from 5 pm to 8:45 pm in the Academy Building.
As a reunion committee we have now located 52 of 63 potential classmates and have had requests from several others to attend.
Please read the announcement and RSVP as directed.
We are very excited to see everyone. It has been fun working as a committee to pull this off and we hope all that can attend will make an extra effort to be there. I'm sure seeing Dave Jacobs, Mike Brown and Mark Ashworth up to their old antics alone will make your trip and time worthwile.
We know that not everyone will be able to attend on this date. It was a difficult decision to pick a date knowing that some class members could not attend on that date. We are sorry we could not meet everyone's schedule.
If you cannot attend we welcome any written or video comments you might like to share with your fellow classmates. We would love to hear a synopsis of what you have been doing for the last 40 years.
Please forward any comments you would like to either Rich Reimschussel or Kathy Swensen Graf.
Your Reunion Committee,
Dave Jacobs Mike Brown Rick Shumway Jim Beagles Lesley Strong McLaughlin Kathy Swensen Graf Jill Frischnecht Andrews Richard Reimschussel
P.S. We are still trying to locate: Rex Anderson, Roy Christensen, Anne Barton Giffen, Bruce Evans, Kenneth Johnson, Lorna Knight Lane, Pamela Orton Christensen, Polly Parcell Bishop, Lilia Rubio, Ranae Meredith Webb, and Nadine Vincent. If you have any leads how we can find any of these classmates please contact Rich Reimschussel.
32nd Year Reunion July 1, 2001
Girls, Left to right: Sue Oldroyd Pyne, Nancy Cannon Jensen, Evelyn McAffee Rushton, Jill Frischnecht Andrews, Jolene Barlow Thompson, Renae Meredith Webb, Kathy Swensen Graf, and Sherry Peterson Curtis.
Boys, Left to right: Rich Reimschussel, Jeff Keith, David Earl, Larry Simonson, Mike Eastmond, Steve Soffe, Rick Beckham, Phil Andrus, Jim Beagles, Mike Brown, Brent Harmon, and Rick Shumway.
PROVO -- The school may have closed 32 years ago, but Brigham Young High School students remember it like it was yesterday.
One of the Brigham Young High School "Ghost Classes" held its 32nd-year reunion on Saturday, July 1, 2001. Not one student from that future "Class of 1969" officially graduated from Brigham Young High School as a senior.
"We had all just finished our junior year at the Brigham Young, when the school closed," reunion organizer Richard Reimschussel said. "All of us juniors were given the option of graduating early because it was a difference of one or two credits. But personally I didn't want to miss out on my senior year."
Once the school closed, 65 students in the class were transferred to high schools throughout Utah County.
"We call ourselves the 'Ghost Class of 1969' because we never officially graduated," class president Mike Brown said.
After the school closed, Brown transferred to Provo High, where things were quite different for him.
"I went from a class size of 65 to a class size of 600," Brown said. "My sister said that I went from being a big fish in a little pond to being a little fish in a big pond, and that is what it felt like."
 Some BYH Class of 1969 members in 2001 |
 Both photos thanks to Rich Reimschussel |
Even though this was the first time these students were able to get together for a reunion, class vice president Rick Shumway said there will always be a feeling of family.
"We came from a small class of 65 students, so it's like running into your brother or sister again," Shumway said. "It was a fun building with fun teachers and students."
Pictures and papers Reimschussel brought to the reunion indicated how close the class really was.
"I have some pictures of kids crying because we were devastated when we heard the school was closing," Reimschussel said. "Some of us were together right from first grade all the way to 11th."
After 32 years the Brigham Young Academy Education Building, first completed in 1892, which housed Brigham Young High School, is being rebuilt as part of the new Provo City Library.
"I'm just tickled to see them fixing it up," Shumway said. "It was a happy building with a lot of happy memories."
Thanks to Debra Jandreau, from a story published in the Provo Daily Herald on July 2, 2001
Class of 1969 Officers:
President - Michael Brown Vice President - Rick Shumway Secretary - Nancy Cannon Social Chair - Kim Hanson Social Chair - Rick Beckham
BYH Class of 1969 Photo Album
This photo of the Class of 1969 was taken during 1956-1957, while in Kindergarten at BY Elementary School. The Kindergarten teacher is not pictured - she was probably taking the photo. Hover for ID numbers; click on the photo for larger version.
1. LeAnn Jones, 2. Cynthia Petty, 3. Kim Hanson, 4. Steve Nelson, 5. ? 6. Margie Dixon, 7. Sue Oldroyd, 8. ? 9. Annette Larsen, 10. Gary Zabriskie, 11. Christopher Darais.
12. Deborah Kezerian, 13. Richard Reimschussel, 14. Stephanie Dorius, 15. ? 16. ? 17. ? 18. Ellen Shelton, 19. Camden Caldwell.
20. Martha Hales, 21. Kathy Collins, 22. Debra Philips, 23. Mark Ashworth, 24. Patsy Wilson, 25. Anne Monson, 26. Gavin J. Andersen, 27. Donnie Riggs, 28. Marilyn Wolsey, 29. Gary Taylor, 30. Scott Rockwood, 31. Rick Beckham
Special thanks to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.
This is a photograph of the Class of 1969 taken during the 1957-1958 school year, while in the 1st Grade at BY Elementary School. Hover for ID numbers; click photo for large version.
1. Martha Hales, 2. Gary Zabriskie, 3. Anne Monson, 4. Chris Darais, 5. Ellen Shelton, 6. Margie Dixon, 7. Sue Oldroyd, 8. Kim Hanson, 9. Richard Reimschussel, 10. Cynthia Petty, 11. Patsy Wilson, 12. Steven Nelson? 13. Jay Kennedy, 14. ? 15. Marilyn Woolsey, 16. Roy Christensen? 17. Rick Beckham, 18. Larry Simonsen, 19. Gavin Anderson? 20. Stephanie Dorius, 21. Deborah Kezerian, 22. Mark Ashworth? 23. Jay Miller, 24. Deborah Phillips?
Thanks again to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.
This is a photograph of the Class of 1969 taken during the 1958-1959 school year, while in the 2nd Grade at BY Elementary School. You can see the chalk eraser marks on both sides of the doors! Hover for ID numbers; click photo for large version.
1. June Carlisle, Teacher, 2. Kim Hanson, 3. Camden Caldwell? 4. Richard Reimschussel, 5. Kathy Collins? 6. Christopher Darais, 7. Mark Ashworth, 8. Gary Zabriskie, 9. Ellen Shelton, 10. Margie Dixon, 11. Sue Oldroyd.
12. LeAnn Jones, 13. Jay Miller, 14. Gavin J. Andersen, 15. Stephanie Dorius, 16. Patsy Wilson? 17. Anne Monson? 18. Steve Nelson, 19. John Empey? 20. Debra Philips.
21. Martha Hales, 22. Sylvia Spears, 23. Jay Kennedy, 24. Cynthia Petty, 25. Donnie Riggs, 26. Rick Beckham, 27. Marilyn Wolsey, 28. Larry Simonsen, 29. Deborah Kezerian, 30. Gary Taylor. Thanks again to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.
This is a first photograph of the Class of 1969 taken during the 1960-1961 school year, while in the 4th Grade at BY Elementary School. Hover for ID numbers; click photo for large version.
1. Kim Hanson, 2. Larry Simonsen, 3. Kathy Collins, 4. Rick Beckham, 5. Marilyn Wolsey, 6. David Porter, 7. Cynthia Petty, 8. Ivan Hullinger, 9. Scott Rockwood? 10. Margie Dixon, 11. Gary Taylor, 12. ? 13. Jay Kennedy, 14. Chris Darais, 15. Deborah Kezerian, 16. John Empey, 17. Gavin Anderson? 18. Jay Miller, 19. Steven Nelson, 20. Stephen Taylor, 21. Gary Zabriskie, 22. Ellen Shelton, 23. Sue Oldroyd, 24. LeAnn Jones, 25. Anne Monson, 26. Martha Hales. Thanks again to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.
This is a second photograph of the Class of 1969 taken during the 1960-1961 school year, while in the 4th Grade at BY Elementary School. The two photos were apparently taken on the same day -- note everyone is wearing the same clothes in both photos. Hover for ID numbers; click photo for large version.
1. Kim Hanson, 2. Kathy Collins, 3. David Porter, 4. Gary Zabriskie, 5. Ivan Hullinger, 6. Scott Rockwood, 7. Margie Dixon, 8. Gary Taylor, 9. Richard Reimschussel, 10. Jay Kennedy, 11. Chris Darais, 12. Deborah Kezerian, 13. Larry Simonsen, 14. Rick Beckham, 15. Marilyn Wolsey, 16. Cynthia Petty, 17. Robert Riddle, 18. John Empey, 19. Stephen Taylor, 20. Steven Nelson, 21. Jay Miller, 22. Gavin Anderson, 23. ? 24. Martha Hales, 25. LeAnn Jones, 26. Sue Oldroyd, 27. Lesley Strong, 28. Ellen Shelton, 29. Anne Monson. Thanks again to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.
This photograph of the girls in the Class of 1969 was taken in 1962 or 1963 on a snowy day along with a rare Ring-Eyed Snowseusian. Hover for ID numbers; click photo for large version.
1. Kim Hanson, 2. Kathy Collins, 3. Leann Jones, 4. Ellen Shelton, 5. Stephanie Dorius, 6. Margie Dixon, 7. Sue Oldroyd, 8. Patsy Wilson? 9. Leslie Strong, 10. Deborah Kezerian, 11. Marilyn Wolsey, 12. Sylvia Spears, 13. Cynthia Petty, and 14. Ring-Eyed Snowseusian. Thanks again to Rich Reimschussel for this photo and the identifications.