Brigham Young High School History
Historians & Writers of Brigham Young High
Following are two lists: First, an honor roll of individuals who have provided stories, historical information, graphics to this website. We hope to add many names to this list.
Second, a list of elected BYHS Student Body Historians. Some elected offices in earlier decades included Historian responsibilities. The office of Student Body Historian, separate from any other office, was established in 1953, and continued through 1968. Anyone who has collected any BYH memorabilia, including yearbooks, newspapers, photographs, programs, stories, scrapbooks, and boxes of other historic items, is urged to participate.
We invite your active participation in preserving the history of BY High School.
Volunteer BYA ~ BYH
Historians & Authors
Laura Gubler Hendrix '22 ~ H Karl A. Miller '23 Dorothy O. Rea '29 ~ H Lovell Killpack '43 Iris Ramey Seyfried '43 Stirling Broadhead '46 Burl Bushman '46 Don Broadhead '47 George Collard, Jr. '47 John A. Taylor '47 Doug Thayer '47 ~ H Dick Boyle '48 Dick Carter '48 Kent Broadhead '49 JoAnn Spencer Brooks '49 Robert Hague '49 Lynn Rogerson '49 Hank Taylor '49 Janice Taylor McGraw '49 ~ H Jon Katzenbach '50 Jean Anderson Moore '52 Joan Bullock Richan '52 Wester Potter '52 Margaret Hayward Taylor '52 Gordon Bullock '54 Joyce Gibby Willis '54 C. Hardy Redd '54 J. Paul Smith '54 Adrianne Taylor '54 Josefine Zwahlen de Hoyos '54 Todd Britsch '55 Betty Clark Francis '55 Paul Hoopes '55 Sue Collins Speed '55 Preston Bissell '56 Charles Hackley '56 Wes Whatcott '56 Irwin Don Wiser '56 Roland Clark '57 Herbert Greer '57 Carol Lynn Wright Pearson '57 Ron S. Taylor '57 Varne Beckwith '58 Steve Nelson '58 Linda Tenney Turley-Hansen '59 Kent Jarvis '60 Alec Andrus '61 Nick Boshard '61 Glen Miller '61 Darrel Danielson '64 Sheri Hansen Hogle '64 Claudia Keeler Pickering '64 David Whetten '64 LeEarl Baker '65 Mike Bullock '65 Shirlee Davis Packer '65 Meg Hayes Allen '65 Jeanie Gardiner Campbell '65 Ann Hickenlooper Tolley '65 Kristine Johnson Lee '65 Darlene Koralewski Brown '65 Paul Nibley '65 Randy Peterson '65 Reed P. Smoot '65 Greg Wilson '65 Larry Christensen '66 John Gardner '66 Frank Maas '66 Susan McNamara Comish '66 Jim Petty '66 Karl Thomas '66 Steve Thoresen '66 Brent Ashworth '67 Jim Holtkamp '67 Kay Jacobson Hill '67 Dallan Olson '67 Linda Rasmussen Smith '67 Marilyn Monson Ricks '67 De Ann Peterson Terry '67 Paul Hintze '68 Joseph West '68 Rich Reimschussel '69 Patti Porter Hintze '70 Lew Larsen '74 Greg Larsen '76 Raymond Layton '76
Karl G. Maeser, Faculty 1876-1892 Alice L. Reynolds, Faculty 1890 Verl P. Allman, Faculty 1950-1968 Rex Arnett, Faculty 1962-1966 Lane A. Compton, Faculty 1953-1956 A. Lamoyne Garside, Faculty 1961-1963 Karl G. Maeser, Principal 1876-1891 Morris Shirts, Principal 1954-1956 Donna Lee Turley, Faculty 1962-1968 Ruth Wilson Young, Faculty 1947-1952
Lee Benson ~ Honorary Rachel Carter ~ Honorary Scott Cowley ~ Honorary Judy Garvin ~ Honorary Steven M. Law ~ Honorary Mary Bingham Lee ~ Honorary T. Earl Pardoe ~ Honorary P. Bradford Westwood ~ Honorary L. Douglas Smoot ~ Distinguished Honorary Alumnus
Elected BYH Student Body Historians
[Underlines indicate email addresses are available.]
You can help today by volunteering -- email your stories to the BYH website today. |