Brigham Young High School History

Notable Living Alumni

Beehive Fountain of Brigham Young Academy

It is virtually impossible to compile a list like this because most Brigham Young High School alumni can be considered "notable." To be added to this list is not just a matter of academic degrees, fame, fortune, or authoring books. These are just some very interesting folks who, if you didn't know about them, you'd probably feel like you were missing something. And on this list are only the alumni we know about -- we need your help to learn about others who might be added to this list. Please send in your nominations today! You use the "Add Me" page to send in additional information about yourself. To nominate a person for this list, please gather biographical information about that person and send it to the webmaster -- please mention that you are making a nomination for the Notable Living Alumni list.

Click on photos for relevant links.

Jae R. Ballif
Jae Balliff
Scientist, Physicist, Educator
Class of 1949 - Provo, Utah

Jack H. Zenger
Jack H. Zenger
Business Leader, Leadership Development, Author
Class of 1949 - Orem, Utah

Jon Katzenbach
Jon Katzenbach
Business Guru
Class of 1950 - New York & South Carolina

Dallin H. Oaks
Attorney & LDS General Authority
Class of 1950 - Salt Lake City, Utah

Robert C. Oaks
Robert C. Oaks
General USAF, LDS General Authority
Class of 1954 - Salt Lake City, Utah

Allen K. Reinhold
Allen K. Reinhold
Illustrator & Fine Artist
Class of 1954 - American Fork, Utah

R. Lanier Britsch
History & Civilizations
Class of 1957 - Orem, Utah

Carol Lynn Wright Pearson
Carol Lynn Wright Pearson
Author, Poet & Playwright
Class of 1957 - Walnut Creek, California

Mary Ellen Edmunds
Mary Ellen Edmunds
Class of 1958 - Mapleton, Utah

Kent G. Jarvis
Electrical Engineer & Historian
Class of 1960 - Sandy, Utah

Marion T. Bentley
Marion T. Bentley
Economic Development
Class of 1961 - Logan, Utah

Paul E. Gilbert
Attorney & Community Service
Class of 1961 - Scottsdale, Arizona

Gordon D. Walker
Gordon D. Walker
Community Development & Homelessness
Class of 1961 - San Diego, California

John M. Paxman
Law & Reproductive Health
Class of 1962 - Lexington, Massachusetts

Jed Dean Christensen
Water, Science & Mining
Class of 1963 - Springfield, Virginia

Roger B. Porter
Professor of Business and Government
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Class of 1963 - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kim S. Cameron
Kim S. Cameron
Author, Educator, Transformational Business Management
Class of 1964 - Ann Arbor, Michigan

James Harvey Taylor
James H. Taylor
Class of 1964 - Orem, Utah

David Whetten
Educational Administration
Class of 1964 - Provo, Utah

C. Bruce Barton
Attorney & Public Administration
Class of 1965 - Layton, Utah

Reed P. Smoot
Reed P. Smoot
Professional Cinematographer
Class of 1965 - Salt Lake City, Utah

John Bascom
Historian & Sculptor
Class of 1966 - Victorville, California

Theresa Ann Begay Kedelty
Educator and Educational Administration
Class of 1966 - Navajo, New Mexico

John Gardner, M.D.
Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine
Class of 1966 - Washington, D.C.

Susan McNamara Comish
Portrait Artist
Class of 1966 - Provo, Utah

Stephen Thoresen
Biomedical Engineer
Class of 1966 - Orem, Utah

Alan Wilkins
Educational Administration
Class of 1966 - Provo, Utah

Noel Zabriskie
Educational Administration
Class of 1966 - Ogden, Utah

Brent F. Ashworth, BYH Class of 1967
Brent Ashworth
Attorney, Civic Leader, Historic Preservationist
Class of 1967 - Provo, Utah

Scott Berryessa
Teacher & Educational Leader
Class of 1967 - Lindon, Utah

Dan K. Shaw
Commercial Development
Class of 1967 - Las Vegas, Nevada

Michael K. Young
Michael K. Young
Educational Administration
Class of 1967 - Salt Lake City, Utah

Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card
Classes of 1968/1969 - Greensboro, North Carolina

Mickey Ibarra
Governmental Relations
Class of 1969 - Washington, D.C.

Annette Paxman Bowen
Class of 1970 - Bellevue, Washington

For many people, a cherished family tradition is watching beloved motion pictures, the heart-warming kind that seem never to lose their appeal no matter how many times one has viewed them.

One such movie is "It's a Wonderful Life," the 1946 Frank Capra classic starring James Stewart and Donna Reed.

Over the years millions have become acquainted with the hero of the story, George Bailey, an Everyman character with sterling nobility whose life is a string of self-sacrifices for the good of others.

George has gradiose plans to leave his small hometown, become an architect and build bridges and skyscrapers, seeing the world and becoming wealthy in the process.

But his dreams are postponed and ultimately abandoned as he assumes pressing but comparatively pedestrian duties at home.

He forsakes his educational goals to save his father's benevolent and beneficent building-and-loan institution from falling into the clutches of the town miser.

He marries a childhood friend; they forego their honeymoon so he can remain at home and see the institution safely though a financial panic.

Over time, they rear several children as George's youthful dreams become increasingly elusive.

After a particularly devastating occurrence one Christmas Eve, George is about to take his own life but is rescued by an angel sent to help him and who arranges to let George see what things would have been like had he never been born. In this way, he comes to understand how much he has impacted people's lives for the better, just by being who he is.
Undoubtedly, the film is so popular because so many of us can see ourselves in George Bailey.

In youth and at the outset of adulthood, we see the world as our oyster, with shining and glamorous pearls there for the taking.

Along the way, we get busy with life's duties and demands. At mid-life, some may come to a stark realization that they probably never will attain some of their long-held dreams.

Perhaps they lose sight of the significance of what they have accomplished, of how rich they really are, though perhaps not in terms of worldly wealth.

Maybe at some point in God's eternal timetable, we, like George Bailey, will be allowed to see in a way that we cannot know now how much good we are accomplishing just through our personal righteousness, obedience and faithfulness.

Meanwhile, we can draw comfort from a line of dialogue from the movie: "No man is a failure who has friends." In this case, every person who has attended BY High has many friends.

And that is especially the case when one of our friends is Jesus Christ, for He has said: "I will call you friends, for you are my friends, and ye shall have an inheritance with me -- I called you servants for the world's sake, and ye are their servants for my sake." D&C 93:45-46.
[Special thanks to the Church News, December 11, 2004.]

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